Hey there,
As I sit down to start writing this journal entry, hot chocolate in hand and my dog Chloe snuggled up next to me, I am thinking that today, 1st December, is right up there in my top 5 favourite days of the year.
Its blustery outside, the sun is peeking through the clouds, leaves are floating by the window. Occasionally, there's a burst of heavy rain. I always feel thoughtful and thankful at this time of year. For me, December is a time for looking forward - to Christmas celebrations with loved ones, taking some time off, slowing down and doing all the things I love. Going for long walks, cooking, watching films, reading, eating mince pies and listening to Christmas tunes on repeat. But it's also a time for reflecting on the past year, for celebrating my achievements and thinking about how I can improve next year.
This brings me to Pilates. I want to remind you that your Pilates practice is just that - a practice. And practice makes progress. So keep going! This year you may have taken the plunge and progressed to a more challenging class; perhaps you've decided to sign up to 2 classes per week (or more); perhaps you've joined the Virtual Studio and committed to your own home practice. Maybe you've suffered an injury and have decided to move to a gentler class while you recover. I've seen all of these things with my clients this year.
As your Pilates teacher, I encourage you to listen to your body always and remember that some days you'll smash it, and some days you won't, and that's OK. The practice of Pilates is a never-ending journey for all of us. Its not about looking good - its about feeling good. There is so much to learn, our bodies are constantly changing, every day is different and so we must learn to pay attention, and adapt. I'm not looking for perfection, but I encourage you to make a commitment to your practice so that in time you start to see and feel progress on your own personal Pilates journey.
I hope you manage to find a few moments this December to reflect on how Pilates has benefitted you, and also perhaps identify any areas where you'd like to improve next year. I'd love to know your thoughts - let me know in the comments.
Keep doing Pilates!
Marina x